18. September 2015 | All posts, Archive, eco-INSTITUT news, Press releases

In the last week a new stainless steel test chamber of 5 cubic metres for emissions testing according to ISO 16000 was brought into service by eco-INSTITUT Cologne. The test chamber is at disposal mainly for manufacturers of furniture, mattresses, construction systems or electrical equipments and large-size printers.

So, for example, whole-body testings of furniture in the context of certification programmes such as the eco-INSTITUT-Label, Blue Angel or DGM emissions label can be performed.

“We are happy to be able to improve with this new test chamber our services of emissions testings following national and international critieria, esp. for manufacturers of furniture and electrical equipments.“

says Dr. Frank Kuebart, manager of eco-INSTITUT Cologne.

5 m3testing chamber for complete peices of furniture: impression


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