6. April 2019 | All posts, Archive, eco-INSTITUT news, Press releases

eco-INSTITUT is modernising its appearance: The company now has a new company logo. eco-INSTITUT has opted for a different design in order to enable a better differentiation between the logo of the company’s own quality label, the eco-INSTITUT-Label (the design of which remains unchanged), and the company’s logo.

By the clearer separation of the company logo and label, the two parts of the company – the testing and the certification body – and thus the service areas of laboratory testing and certification will be better distinguishable in the external presentation – additionally supported by the new visual appearance of the test reports.

In addition to the laboratory testing according to the criteria of many voluntary quality labels (such as natureplus, Blue Angel or GEV-EMICODE), the eco-INSTITUT testing body also offers conformity tests for compliance with legal requirements (such as the French VOC regulation or the AgBB scheme) or supports manufacturers in developing their own quality standards.

The certification body regulates and monitors all certification processes according to the criteria of the eco-INSTITUT-Label. Only products that have passed all certification steps and comply with strict pollutant limits are awarded the eco-INSTITUT-Label. In addition to the certificate and test report, the label may be used in a variety of ways in product advertising. In order to protect the eco-INSTITUT-Label and the quality labels of other label providers, the holders of the label and consumers, eco-INSTITUT limits the advertising use to certain applications in the case of pure test reports that are not based on any certification. On Advertising with test reports, customers and consumers can find detailed information on  this.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Daniel Tigges, Managing Director of eco-INSTITUT (Daniel.Tigges@eco-institut.de), or Vanessa Laumann, Head of Certification Body (Vanessa.Laumann@eco-institut.de).


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