Life cycle assessments and EPDs for construction products are not only gaining in importance through sustainability assessments for buildings such as QNG, DGNB or LEED. The amendment to the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) makes it mandatory for construction products to state their GWP (Global Warming Potential) from January 2026. In addition, the disclosure of further impact indicators will be mandatory in stages from January 2030 and in its entirety from January 2032. Speaker Philipp Boogman (IBO) reported on this at the last eco seminar on construction products.
eco-INSTITUT Cologne is now expanding its expertise in the field of life cycle assessment with the new employee Max Pazda ( and now offers – in addition to the well-known laboratory tests – the implementation of life cycle assessments for building products.
Furthermore, there is a close co-operation with the IBO (Austrian Institute for Building and Ecology GmbH in Vienna) for this topic. If you are interested or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your enquiry.
Graphic: geralt | Pixabay