natureplus® label

European quality label for sutainable construction products natureplus® quality label marks environmentally-friendly construction products being non-hazarduous to health. The focus is environment, health and sustainability. The quality label is awarded by   which developed the label in cooperation with several testing bodies (among those eco-INSTITUT). The products have to...

Nordic Swan Ecolabel

Ecolabel of the Nordic countries The Nordic Swan Ecolabel was introduced in 1989 by the Nordic Council of Ministers for the countries of Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland. It is intended to make it easier for consumers to make (purchasing) decisions about environmentally sound products and services. The...

Proposition 65

California Information Disclosure Act requires companies to provide a clear and adequate warning before knowingly and intentionally exposing consumers in California (USA) to certain chemicals known to be carcinogenic or toxic to reproduction. Companies exporting their products to California should therefore be aware of the composition and potential exposure...


Quality Seal Sustainable Building Plus & Quality Seal Sustainable Building Premium In order to promote a uniform understanding of sustainability while at the same time creating a secure framework for the allocation of funding, the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) has launched the Quality Seal...

SCS Indoor Advantage™ & SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold

US certification programmes for furniture and construction products The SCS certification programmes SCS Indoor Advantage™  – Furniture, SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold -Furniture and SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold – Building Materials enable manufacturers of furniture, furnishings and construction products to demonstrate the conformity of their products with the requirements for low-emission...


SINTEF TG technical approval
Norwegian Technical Approval for construction products A SINTEF Technical Approval (Teknisk godkjenning – TG) is a voluntary documentation that a construction product is considered suitable for use, and that it meets the Regulations on technical requirements for construction work (TEK), provided the areas of use and conditions specified in...

Ü mark

Mark of conformity in the context of In Germany, as a member state of the EU, the general technical approval (abZ) and the Ü mark may only be used for products that do not bear a CE mark. The European Construction Products Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 describes basic requirements...

UKCA | United Kingdom Conformity Assessed

Marking of products on the market of the United Kingdom Brexit also affects the CE marking of products: During a transitional period until 30 June 2025, construction products from the EU sold on the British market may still bear the CE marking. After that, only the UKCA mark will...

WELL Building Standard®

WELL Building Standard
US programme for holistic buildings The US building classification programme WELL Building Standard® WELL is the first standard in the world to adopt a holistic approach. It focuses primarily on the impact that a building has on the health and well-being of the people in it. Various features such...


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