Emissions certification for (office) furniture The ANSI/BIFMA standards for (office) furniture were developed by the Engineering Committee of the Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA) in accordance with ANSI guidelines. The following standards and methods are amongst others currently available: ANSI/BIFMA X5.1 – 2017(R2022): Office chairs, ANSI /...

BIFMA level®

US sustainability certification for furniture BIFMA level® is a US programme for the sustainable certification of furniture. The Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA) developed the programme in 2006 with many other parties based on the guidelines of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Certification is carried out...

CDPH Standard method (formerly California Section 01350)

Californian standard for evaluation und reduction of VOC emissions On behalf of the Californian working group for sustainable building of California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) in 2002/2003 that specification has been developed which is now known as the Standard method. The Section is now the most important standard in the...


US certification programme for floor coverings The SCS certification programme FloorScore® enables manufacturers of floor coverings to demonstrate the conformity of their products with the requirements for low-emission products being used in US-based but globally applied building classification programmes such as LEED. The tests are performed in conformance with...


US certification programme for sustainable buildings Having been developed in 1998 by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) the LEED building classification programme has evolved to become one of the most important, voluntarily quality examinations of the world in the industry of environmentally friendly, low-pollutant, low-emission and sustainable building....

Proposition 65

California Information Disclosure Act requires companies to provide a clear and adequate warning before knowingly and intentionally exposing consumers in California (USA) to certain chemicals known to be carcinogenic or toxic to reproduction. Companies exporting their products to California should therefore be aware of the composition and potential exposure...

SCS Indoor Advantage™ & SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold

US certification programmes for furniture and construction products The SCS certification programmes SCS Indoor Advantage™  – Furniture, SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold -Furniture and SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold – Building Materials enable manufacturers of furniture, furnishings and construction products to demonstrate the conformity of their products with the requirements for low-emission...

WELL Building Standard®

WELL Building Standard
US programme for holistic buildings The US building classification programme WELL Building Standard® WELL is the first standard in the world to adopt a holistic approach. It focuses primarily on the impact that a building has on the health and well-being of the people in it. Various features such...


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