14. January 2016 | All posts, Archive, World news

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
with this first customer info of the new year 2016 we would like to inform you about the new statement by the German Institute for Structural Engineering )about the legal position concerning national technical approvals after the CJEU’s judgment of Oct 16, 2014 which can be summarised as follows:

1. National technical approvals for construction products not covered by harmonised standards are not affected by the CJEU judgment. I.e. for all those products national technical approvals remain to be mandatory as proof for usability.

2. In the revision of the Model Building Regulation it is stipulated building control cannot require national proofs of usability and marks of conformity (Ü marks) for construction products bearing the CE mark following the European Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Accordingly, for CE marked construction products the function of national technical approvals as proof of usability will not be applicable in the future and the usage of the Ü mark will not be allowed any more. These changes are estimated to become effective on Oct 15, 2016, when the Building Rules List B Part 1 and the additional requirements are supended.

3. Approvals being valid beyond this date may be – according to the current consulting state – used for building control during their remaining time of validity as technical proofs of national requirements being relevant for a building if the respective declared  performance of the construction product does not comply with national requirements being building relevant. In this case, the DIBt recommends to further fulfill the regulations for self and external inspection.*

This statement of DIBt you can read in total here. Unfortunately it is currently available only in German.*

eco-INSTITUT remains to be at your disposal as inspection and product emissions tesing body. Don’t hestitate to contact us for further infos.

*All information supplied without liability.


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