12. January 2017 | All posts, Archive, World news

As the Federal Minstry for the Environment, Nature Conversation, Building and Nuclear Safety announced end of December 2016 in a press release the federal cabinet agreed to a one-year moratorium of disposal of isolation materials containing HBCD.

The styropor materials containing  the flame retardent hexabromcyclododecane (HBCD)  are temporarily not classified as hazarduous waste any more and thus can be disposed at all waste incineration plants. Via this the acute crisis of disposal is to be lifted.

The amendment of the list-of-wastes regulation of March 2016 and its becoming effective in October 2016 classified these construction products as “dangerous waste” having to specially be discarded. Since June 2016 an trade and usage ban of HBCD is effective in the EU.


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