16. November 2021 | All posts, Archive, World news

UmweltbundesamtIn April 2021, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) organised the online conference “Limiting Health Impacts of Construction Products regarding Volatile Organic Compounds”. This has now resulted in the publication “Final Report Harmonised VOC Emission Classes for Construction Products”. The Federal Environment Agency website, which provides the publication as a PDF download, states:

The conference presented the current status of harmonisation activities on the topic of construction product emissions as well as a concrete proposal for harmonised emission classes for volatile organic compounds. The publication is addressed to national authorities, universities, research institutes and non-governmental organisations dealing with the topic of health protection and emissions from construction products.

You can find the PDF for download at the following link here. It is in English and free of charge.

Source: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en/publikationen/harmonised-voc-emission-classes-for-construction


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