Market surveillance, German Institute for Structural Engineering (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik – DIBt)’s new field of activity, having already published FAQs concerning the EU construction products regulation and market surveillance, now published a market surveillance programme (MS programme) for harmonice construction products to be realised in 2017.
In the programme which can be found here it is stated:
The market surveillance under this programme extends to all construction products according to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 which are covered by a harmonized standard or for which a European Technical Assessment was granted. It also extends to construction products to which the CE marking was unlawfully affixed as well as to construction products for which the manufacturer has used a Specific Technical Documentation.
Further the control of construction products within the market surveillance are specified.
All further infos and further documents can be found on the site of the activity field of the market surveillance.