4. June 2018 | All posts, Archive, World news

As Henning Bloech, eco-INSTITUT partner for sustainability consultancy and international networking, reports on his website TheSustaineera US federal court determined June 1st as deadline for TSCA Title VI Formaldehyde regulation:

that is, European products containing wood-based materials covered by the TSCA Title VI Formaldehyde Regulation are subject to mandatory labelling and are to contain only TSCA Title VI or CARB 2 certified wood-based materials. Emission certification, such as Greenguard or the Blue Angel DO NOT comply with TSCA Title VI requirements.

Background: Last year, the Trump government issued a regulation that allowed for a deadline for compliance with the TSCA Title VI regulation until December 2018. Several NGOs filed suit in October 2017, arguing that the EPA has no power to delay its implementation. In March 2018, the Federal Supreme Court made a decision in their favor. In an order, the court has set a period for compliance with June 1st. Thus, the TSCA Title VI regulation officially becomes effective on June 1st, 2018.

To original post on TheSustaineer.de (German only)




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