2. June 2020 | All posts, World news

In May 2020, Association for Control of Emissions in Products for Floor Installation, Adhesives and Building Materials (GEV) published new GEV classification criteria and an updated GEV testing method.

The new requirements for Emission Controlled Products for Wooden Floor Surface Treatments, as well as Lacquers, Finishes and Oils for Mineral Floors and Lacquers for Resilient Floor Coverings and the Award of the EMICODE, the new requirements for Emission Controlled Installation Products, Adhesives and Building Materialsand Award of the EMICODE and the new GEV testing method Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds for Classification in the EMICODE system replace the previous versions October 30th, 2019.

Zur GEV-Prüfmethode vom 27. April 2020

Go to classification criteria Products for Floor Surface Treatments April 27th, 2020

Go to classification criteria Installation Materials April 27th, 2020.

eco-INSTITUT is a approved GEV test laboratory and is authorised to test installation products, joint-tight and insulation products, surface treatment agents for parquet, and solvents according to the EMICODE® criteria. Please contact us! You can also find further information here.


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