Emissions certification for (office) furniture The ANSI/BIFMA standards for (office) furniture were developed by the Engineering Committee of the Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA) in accordance with ANSI guidelines. The following standards and methods are amongst others currently available: ANSI/BIFMA X5.1 – 2017(R2022): Office chairs, ANSI /...

BIFMA level®

US sustainability certification for furniture BIFMA level® is a US programme for the sustainable certification of furniture. The Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA) developed the programme in 2006 with many other parties based on the guidelines of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Certification is carried out...

Blue Angel

Blauer Engel eco-INSTITUT Bleu Angel Prüfinstitut
Label for environment and climate friendly products and services The Blue Angel is the first and most well-known quality label of the world. For 40 years it labels products being particularily environmentally and climatically friendly: up till today more than 12.000 times the Blue Angel mark has been awarded...

Danish Indoor Climate Labelling (DICL)

Labelling system for emissions from construction products, furniture and furnishings The voluntary labelling system Danish Indoor Climate Labelling (DICL) – Dansk Indeklima Mærkning (DIM) – was launched by the Danish Ministry of Housing in 1993 and is operated ever since by the Danish Technological Institute (Teknologisk Institut). Aim The...

EU Ecolabel

European environmental mark for products and services The EU ecolabel, the so-called “Flower”, came into existence in 1992. In 1993 the first criteria catalogues for 2 product types were developed, by now there are around criteria catalogues for more than 25 product groups, mostly for products of the everyday....

EU Taxonomy Regulation

Emissions testing in the context of the EU Taxonomy Regulation The EU Taxonomy Regulation came into force in 2022. It is a set of rules for defining whether companies operate and act ecologically (and also socially) and thus make comparisons possible within the framework of sustainable investments – “greenwashing”...

FEMB level®

European evaluation and certification system for environmentally friendly and socially responsible office and facility furniture In 2018, the European Office Furniture Federation (FEMB) developed this testing programme and certificate for sustainable and socially responsible office and facility furniture based on the US BIFMA LEVEL certification. The European level certification...

Furniture pollutant tested

DGM emissions label for furniture In cooperation with leading testing bodies like TÜV Rheinland, eco-INSTITUT Cologne, German Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt – UBA) and DIN Consumer Council the German Quality Assurance Association (Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel – DGM) has developed emissions classifications for furniture and out of these the first...

Golden M

Label for furniture Golden M is the quality mark of the German Furniture Quality Assurance Association (Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel – DGM) which is part of the German Quality Assurance Association RAL. The test basis for the Golden M is the quality assurance RAL-GZ 430 (General Quality and Test Specifications...


Finnish emissions label for construction products and furniture The Finnish emission label for construction products and furniture is one of the leading test seals in the Scandinavian region. In 1995, the Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (FiSIAQ) developed the first version of the label and awarded...


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