AgBB scheme

Evaluation scheme for VOC emissions from construction products VOC emissions from construction products are an important cause of indoor air pollution. Therefore, the , founded in 1997, developed test criteria and – based on these criteria – the AgBB evaluation scheme for VOC emissions from construction products. This so-called...

Belgian VOC regulation

VOC emissions regulation for construction products and floor coverings The Royal Decree establishing threshold levels for the emissions to the indoor environment from construction products was published on Aug 18, 2014. The regulation became mandatorily effective from Jan 1, 2015, for products to be traded on the Belgian market for...

Blue Angel

Blauer Engel eco-INSTITUT Bleu Angel Prüfinstitut
Label for environment and climate friendly products and services The Blue Angel is the first and most well-known quality label of the world. For 40 years it labels products being particularily environmentally and climatically friendly: up till today more than 12.000 times the Blue Angel mark has been awarded...


British certification programme for sustainable buildings The British sustainablilty certificate BREEAM is one of the most renowned programmes worldwide in the context of building sustainability. It was developed already in Great Britain in 1990  and thus is the oldest quality label in the sector of sustainable buildings per se. Now it...

Canada – Residential Indoor Air Quality Guidelines

Kanada Richtwerte
Indoor air in residential premises may contain various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which may pose a risk to human health at certain exposure concentrations. Therefore, Health Canada has specified exposure limit values for a small number of VOCs such as benzene, formaldehyde, naphthalene, toluene and acetaldehyde in its Residential...

CDPH Standard method (formerly California Section 01350)

Californian standard for evaluation und reduction of VOC emissions On behalf of the Californian working group for sustainable building of California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) in 2002/2003 that specification has been developed which is now known as the Standard method. The Section is now the most important standard in the...

CE marking

European marking of floor coverings The placing of construction products on the European market is regulated by the European Construction Regulation (CPR). Construction products complying with the requirements stipulated in the technical specifications are entitled to be identified with the CE marking and to be traded. This regulation applies...

Cork logo

Label for Cork floor coverings The cork logo is the first and only test mark specifically for cork floor coverings. The German Cork Association (DKV) developed the quality seal in 1997 together with the eco-INSTITUT. It guarantees product quality, environmental friendliness, sustainability and compliance with technical and chemical European...

Danish Indoor Climate Labelling (DICL)

Labelling system for emissions from construction products, furniture and furnishings The voluntary labelling system Danish Indoor Climate Labelling (DICL) – Dansk Indeklima Mærkning (DIM) – was launched by the Danish Ministry of Housing in 1993 and is operated ever since by the Danish Technological Institute (Teknologisk Institut). Aim The...

DIBt evaluations:

Testing for DIBt approval  | | | EAD As the German licensing, approval and assessment body, DIBt (Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik – German Institute for Structural Engineering) is the key contact for all questions concerning the construction regulation of construction products and types of construction. DIBt issues national technical...


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